Temporary Pharmacy Closures
There may be occasions when a contractor is unable to open its premises for a reason that is beyond its control.
In these circumstances, the contractors need to follow appropriate procedures to mitigate the effects of the closure on patients, the public, the NHS, and other community pharmacy contractors, they should avoid breaching their terms of service.
Where there is a temporary closure outside of the contractor’s control, they are required to notify the NHS England Area Team via the unplanned temporary suspension of services notification form (currently Annex 18) and e-mail to the pharmacy contract team of your integrated care board (ICB).
BLMK: hweicbhv.pharmacy@nhs.net
Northants: England.eastmidspharmacy@nhs.net
Clients receiving pharmacy services for supervised consumption or daily controlled drugs collection can be left vulnerable when a pharmacy is unable to open at short notice. Pharmacies providing these services should give careful consideration as to how this patient group can be supported should the pharmacy be unable to open.
Please make sure you have notified local commissioners and providers supporting you to provide this sort of service.
A full list of procedures to support the pharmacy can be found on the CPE website.